Oahu Holistic Medicine: Acupuncture, Naturopathic Medicine

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Hormone Safe Products For Pollution Free Homes, From Dr. Jennifer Goto

“Resources I use for finding clean products:

Clean cosmetics, shampoo, etc: https://thegoodfaceproject.com/search (this is a search engine that tells you what toxic ingredients are in the products you use and will help you find cleaner alternatives)

Laundry detergent: https://gurlgonegreen.com/2023/06/05/non-toxic-laundry-detergent/; Earth Breeze; TrulyFree

Deodorant: Nativecos.com or humblebrands.com

Organic tampons and pads: mylola.com or https://cora.life/

Other period options: flexfits.com

Hand soaps: https://www.grove.co/best/hand-soap

Dish soap: https://gurlgonegreen.com/2023/07/24/non-toxic-dish-soaps/; https://gimmethegoodstuff.org/safe-product-guides/dish-soap/

In general, you just want to focus on eliminating perfumes, chemicals, and plastics. Many of them are carcinogenic or hormone disruptors.

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!”