About Us

This Video Tells You Some Background About Our Practice

It’s 19 min long, you can speed it up if that’s helpful to you to get through it more quickly, I know your time is precious.

We believing in treating disease before it arises.

We believe that the easiest maintenance is preventive maintenance, and that the best time to treat disease is before it ever arises. We want our patients to age gracefully, with mobility and autonomy well into their latest years - we want that for ourselves too. We are dedicated to the relief of pain and suffering, and believe that no matter how bad things may be, there is always something that can be done to lessen that suffering.

At present, we’re committed to building out our concierge program. Our focus is on treating a few people on a much deeper level while focusing on chronic diseases or helping folks sort out their health in their 40’s, 50’s or 60’s (which, we understand isn’t what everyone is looking for).

What This Practice IS:

An opportunity to get truly, deeply healthy for the first time or again, OR to take your already great health to the next level with:

Acupuncture, blood testing (that your regular doctor probably wont run), Naturopathic medicine, herbalism, diet manipulations (not “going on a diet”), cupping, gua sha, physical manipulation, qi gong, and other branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM.

This is an immersive experience where we go deep under the hood and see what’s going on. It can be scary to get blood tests or imaging done, and not know what to do with that information, we’ll hold your hand through the process and tell you exactly what you need to do, when to do it, and how.

What this practice is NOT:

A Homeopathy clinic, acupuncture school, reiki practice, cheap acupuncture practice - not that they’re not valid, it’s just not what we do.

We believe that:

  • The Medical system (therefore, the people it was meant to serve) is in trouble right now.The current paradigm too easily allows people to fall through the cracks, there’s not enough emphasis on preemptive care and daily medicine practices.

  • There is emergency care, and palliative sick care, but not much care in between. Modern medicine is well equipped to handle emergency conditions, but not so much proactive, preemptive, preventative care.

  • The medical system is hurting and killing people unnecessarily - we’ve all heard the horror stories, and we no longer need to say “well thats just the way it is”.

  • The “wait and come back when it’s worse” strategy is a non-strategy and costs lives.

  • We believe that medicine is an all-day-every-day conversation, and can be a bit overwhelming at first unless you have the right guides. Eventually with time and practice, it becomes second nature.

Insurance companies have trained us (patients and customers of the medical system) to believe they have out best interest at heart 100% of the time - it doesn’t always feel that way…

Most of us have been trained to believe that insurance covers everything we need, and everything is going to be covered and taken care of, yet we KNOW that not everything is covered, and we have to walk on eggshells every time we go to the doctor.

The reality is that unless you have AMAZING premium insurance, you probably have a high deductible, and/or will still have to pay out of pocket. Rarely is anything FULLY covered, and you still have to read every bill and watch vigilantly for sneaky double charges and $25 bandaids. That isn’t right.

Many folks get do have great insurance, and get full coverage for things like chemotherapies and expensive surgeries. RARELY does that coverage cover the recovery needed to get back to life like physical therapy, nutritive therapy, acupuncture and other generative and re-generative modalities.

Unfortunately all of us been frustrated by, or felt deceived or neglected by this system, and otherwise well-meaning people embedded in this system, trying to pay their own bills, are encouraged to engage in less helpful behavior - or at least know someone who has a horror story. This isn’t right or normal.

Concierge Holistic Medicine

  • This program allows you to ask as many questions as you can possibly think of to your doctor with out having to pay for another appointment.

  • If you want to speak with your doctor, you can. You don’t have to deal with gatekeepers, hold menus and elevator music - we maintain a small and intimate setting because we believe thats what patients need.

  • With this program you can get straight talk from a real person, who has time to speak with you, and explain in clear language, what’s going on, what needs to happen, and what are reasonable expectations to have in this situation.

  • All herbs, supplements and lab tests (if the tests are not covered by your insurance company), paid for buy us, so you don’t have figure out how to source herbs and supplements, or get stuck with a lab bill at retail price (aka 10x higher).

We decided to build what we see as an ideal program, that would includes all the the herbs, supplements, office visits, face time with doctors, and make sure it includes EVERYTHING a patient would need. It’s not perfect for everyone, like any tool - but for those who resonate with it, it works, and in their transformations, excitement, referrals and gratitude, we are honored and humbled.

Dedicated to your health,

Dr. Santander