Oahu Holistic Medicine
Acupuncture, TCM, Qigong, Martial Arts and Feng Shui: Authentic East Asian Medicine and Traditional Medical and Cultivation Resources
Should I Try Acupuncture?
Acupuncture may be beneficial for many people, particularly those dealing with:
Pain conditions: Chronic back pain, Neck pain, Arthritis/Fibro/RA, Headaches and migraines, Joint pain, Muscle pain and much more.
Mental/Emotional Health issues: Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Sleep disorders, disordered eating, smoking cessation (quitting smoking), and more.
Digestive problems: Nausea, IBS, Morning sickness, other Digestive disorders and much more
Other conditions not limited to: Allergies, Asthma, Menstrual cramps, Fertility issues, Side effects of chemotherapy/radiation and other cancer treatments
However, acupuncture may not be suitable for everyone, particularly folks in emergency pain. If you think it’s an emergency, call 911.
I recommend that everyone try acupuncture at least a few times before deciding “it doesn’t work” or “it’s not right for me”
Do You Take My Insurance?
Possibly! We need a photo of your insurance card and drivers license to check, but are happy to check for free. If you’d like to check on your own, call your insurance company and ask about your acupuncture benefits. This is the faster option. Thank you.
How Much Does It Cost?
The short answer: it depends on how many treatments you need.
Our goal is to be transparent and honest about cost and expectations with every patient.
Medicine unfortunately isn’t “cheap” but what we can do, is make sure your time and money aren’t wasted, and focus only on the things that make the most difference, through systematic diagnosis, evaluation, consistency, patience and agility.
In other words, let’s make sure we’re only doing what works, get results ASAP, and not waste time and money.
Here are the current prices. We’re dedicated to delivering ever increasing quality of care.
Acupuncture Initial 200 (Must be paid in advance to hold first appointment)
Acupuncture Follow-up Visit 175
Facial Acupuncture Single 250
Medical Qigong (available by request)
Memberships / Packages
Acupuncture “TCM Monthly” (some herbs included) 550/mo
Facial Acupuncture 10 Pack 2000
Cupping 10 Pack 333
Acupuncture 5 Pack 750
Acupuncture 10 Pack 1250
Does Acupuncture Work?
“Bonesetting,” Physical Manipulation
“Its like having yoga asana (stretching) done for you.” Our Physical manipulation program comes from the Korean Medical tradition known as Kyo Jung. This is a partner assisted stretching framework/matrix that IS NOT CHIROPRACTIC.
Dr. David Santander Credentials
David Santander DTCM/MSTCM
Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist in Hawai’i, formerly licensed in NY, in good standing.
Training: Doctorate and Masters in Traditional Chinese Medicine (DTCM, MSTCM) from University of Bridgeport’s Acupuncture Institute in Bridgeport, CT
Orthopedics or “Pain Medicine”
Sports Medicine
Qi Gong (chi kung)
Herbal Internal Medicine / Traditional Herbalism
Tui Na medical massage
Medical Feng Shui
Kyo Jung Physical Manipulation (Traditional Korean Medicine)
Martial Arts
Housecall Acupuncture:
There are far too many people trapped at home who need help. It’s a large problem and we’re happy to try and help. Acupuncture house calls are available on a case by case basis. Given the challenges associated with complex cases, travel, traffic and other obstacles, please contact for details and rates.
Qigong (Qi Gong, Chi Kung)
Dr. Santander is currently teaching (online remote and in-person) exercises relating to: Qigong, Nei gong, Nei kung, Chi gong, Chi kung, Gong fu, Ki training, silk reeling, tai chi, and many others (if you notice duplicates in the list above, you are right. ;)
It’s sort of like “Chinese Yoga” in that it employs mental, physical and hand postures (mudras), as well as sounds/sound healing (mantras). I can hear some of you rolling your eyes or screaming “no! it’s not the same thing!” There are many similarities and differences between yoga and qigong, and there are as many different qigong exercises as there are grains of sand on the beach.
Currently we employ proven and tested Traditional “Chinese Herbs” or TCM Herbalism approaches originating from in China and used in the USA and across the world, with safety, sophistication and science. We integrate a number of other supplements and herbal approaches from throughout the world, modern and ancient, with safety, purity, and efficacy in mind at all times.
Cupping and Gua Sha
We integrate Cupping and Gua Sha in with most acupuncture at this time. If you are ONLY interested in cupping, gua sha, or both, please specify in advance :)
Martial Arts Instruction
Dr. Santander is currently offering instruction in Wing Chun (Ving Tsun) Kung Fu/Gongfu. Wing Chun is a distillation of the legendary Shaolin Kung Fu, designed to be easily learned, quickly, for smaller, weaker, or poorly trained practitioners to get “good” quick! All experience levels welcome, 16 and up preferred :)
Please reach out for class details, and to ask any questions!
Additional Meetups for Ba Gua Zhang available as well!